Thursday, October 24, 2013

Taking the Plunge!!!

I mentioned back when I started over new with this blog that I wanted to start blogging and sharing my art work. 

I figured now is as good a time as any! The reason for this is that me and a friend have decided to participate in some Christmas craft markets in the next couple of months, so I will be busy getting ready for that!  We will be making some Christmas candle ornaments together, and she makes these adorable girls bows and clips!  And I will, hopefully, be selling some prints of my artwork, as well as some 8x10 oil paintings I am hoping to get done in time for the first craft market.

These are some samples of my various artwork that I am thinking of having prints made from:

What do you think??

Do you want to know something funny? I'm not nervous or scared to share and display my artwork at a craft market.  What I'm nervous about is when I go to the print shop on Saturday, and having THEM see my work.  I've decided to get professional art prints made, and not just copy them at Walmart (some are canvas paintings and can't be copied there anyways!), and I know that these print shops have seen and dealt with many PROFESSIONAL artists.  Of which I am not.  So I am most nervous for Saturday, and having my work judged and looked over by these people.  Silly, yes??



  1. Oh wow! You're really talented! There is something very Van Gogh-esque about the second one, and I love the two bluejays on the tree :)

    1. Thanks Sara! That flower one you like is the newest of the 3, and it seems to be the way I'm painting lately. I did two flower paintings for my sister last year for her wedding, and the style was similar to that one.
      BIG fan of Van Gogh, my favorite artist :) I guess you could say all his Iris paintings are an inspiration for me :)
