Tuesday, August 13, 2013

20 Facts About Me

I'm following Ashley's wish for us to follow her 20 facts about me on her blog, The Shine Project

1.) I have mild allergies to bug bites.  I don't need an epi-pen or anything, and no severe swelling, but I react more than normal and it sucks.

2.) I have never been stung by a wasp or bee....until 2 weeks ago.  On the bottom of my foot. The soft fleshy part.  Apparently, its really painful!

3.) I'm 29, but I got ID this year to purchase a lottery ticket because I apparently looked like I was 18.  Which is not a big deal, but when the cashier dragged her co-worker over to ask my age and then yelled out my real age to the whole line of people, I was not so impressed.

4.) My biggest fear is drowning trapped.  Its totally irrational, but I'm terrified of  the thought of being in a plane or boat or car and, somehow, crashing into water and not being able to get out of said things.  This makes things like bridges not fun, but if I can see the land, and (in my head) swim to it, I'm fine.  Like I said, its not rational.

5.) I'm also terrified of the ocean, and all things that can hurt you.  There's sharks, jelly fish, whales, sting-rays, sea urchins, etc., so it doesn't matter if you are in deep water of shallow.  Combine this with #4 say, on an ocean cruise, and its double paranoia.  In that case, I'm terrified of now drowning trapped, and then while drowning trapped being eaten by a shark.  Yup, I sound nuts.

6.) My favourite colour is blue, but right now I'm also on a huge purple kick!

7.) Tom-boy that I am, I have never been camping.  Refer to #1.  I think that's validation enough. I'm not scared of bugs, I'm scared what their bites will do to me.

8.) I'm a big clutz.  I trip over air. Stephan just shakes his head now when it happens.

9.) I dislike comedy like Vince Vaughn, that stupid funny is just not that funny too me.

10.) I'm an oldies fan, 50's and 60's mostly.  I love the music, cars, clothing, movies, etc.

11.) Most of my music collection is oldies, me and my Dad listened to it when I was growing up.

12.) I'm going to see the Eagles in September!!!!!  Their concerts are not cheap, but rumour is they are retiring, and they are on the top of my list to see.  I'm SO  excited!

13.) I'm also a big country fan, and am also going to see Zack Brown Band in September, one of my favourite country groups.  I've been playing their cd's constantly since last summer.

14.) I love to read, and have a wide range of interests.

15.) I'm obsessed with Russia.  Anything Russian history, The Tsars, Stalin, ANYTHING.  My book collection is growing, and I just bought another one.  I really want to go there someday.  Its so fascinating!

16.) I don't want to turn 30.

17.) I like to fish.  But I haven't been fishing here in Alberta, because its different fish and different styles of fishing then Ontario.  I've been here 3 years....I need to change that!

18.) I love the cold, I love winter, I love snow.  I want to move further north, but still south of the treeline so I can have the trees and lakes.

19.) I went to school for music education, on the oboe. I teach Kindergarten and run a music program at the pre-school center I work at. 

20.) I also love art, and draw and paint.  I don't really tell that to people, I'm more private about that for some reason.  Guess I'm not so much now, since I just told it on my blog.  I'm trying to be more proud of myself, and more confident (which is way easier on a blog, for some reason)!

There's my 20 facts!!

If you want to do 20 facts, go over and join in on Ashley's blog, and let me know too! I'd love to read yours :)




  1. I'm scared of drowning and the ocean, too! And sharks.
    Although I like to say I have a healthy respect for them. :)

    Fun getting to know you better!

  2. I meant to reply to your comment a few weeks ago! Glad to see that you're back! Hope everything got worked out that you needed! I'll have to read some of your blog so I can get caught up! As for the Verizon comment, I don't think there's an istore near me either!
